Website Services

I hand code websites.

I have over 10 years experience in doing this.

Hand coding a page is the expensive way to do it.
You need to understand HTML, CSS and potentially JavaScript thoroughly and it takes time.

Why hand code?

Hand coded pages can appear exactly as you want them, are generally smaller than pages built with visual design software and are simpler for a search engine to read.


  • load faster,
  • use less bandwidth.

I’m also very happy to work with your in house designer to help improve your results.

I can help you with forming a campaign that ties your website and social presence together.

When a websites links to social media and vice versa your profile and reach benefit.

If you would like to talk to me about working together please call me on 078910 76927. I’ll be happy to take your call.

If you are considering using my services PLEASE check out my linkedIn profile and read the recommendations.

You will get a better idea of who I am and what I can do through the words of my customers than my own.

View Martin House's profile on LinkedIn

PS – special rates for start up companies, Somerset Chamber Members and Companies interested in joint research.