Why sitting down to lunch with 7 strangers could be the most empowering thing you do today

Today I am enthused, energised and ready to face the world.

The reason is that yesterday I sat down for lunch with a set of strangers who all had one thing in common – They had all come along to tell everyone about their business.

Like any sane person I find walking into a room with over 100 people I don’t know a little daunting but as soon as we were ushered to our seats the conversations started.
Over lunch everyone gave a short introduction to their business and it was fascinating to hear each person enthuse what they do.

Listening to descriptions of my lunch comrades endeavours I found myself fascinated by snippets from an employment lawyer “can you fire someone for hitting another employee with a rolled up newspaper?” to a charity specialising in blood diseases inviting corporate donations, a sustainable power company and an antique portrait dealer who is building a business estate.

The defining factor of this was everyone, yes everyone believed in what they did and the room had an infectious atmosphere of excitement.

It’s easy to forget in a world where Social Networking seems to have been reduced to a website interaction that actually getting out there and meeting people face to face is really difficult to replace.

With thanks to the Somerset Chamber of Commerce Exeter and East Devon Chambers and everyone else involved, including the sponsors Old Mill

At the Exchange Lunch

At the Exchange Lunch

The gallery :http://www.somerset-chamber.co.uk/gallery/meet-the-neighbours-at-sandy-park-exeter/